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July Meeting Recap

![Beers and menu]({{ “/assets/images/07-18/IMG_3159.jpg” | absolute_url }})

We had a great turnout for July. Several new folks showed up from different tech related industries like home automation.

![Fluffy dog]({{ “/assets/images/07-18/IMG_3157.jpg” | absolute_url }})

![Beers]({{ “/assets/images/07-18/IMG_3158.jpg” | absolute_url }})

How to Find The Group

I’m not sure if everybody who RSVPed was in attendance and I apologize if you missed the notification of where to find us. I had sent out a notification to those that were planning to attend around 2pm and then a couple more people RSVPed and didn’t get the notification.

In the future I will send those emails to the whole group rather than just those on the RSVP list. Additionally, I will send out a final email once I arrive at the venue clarifying exactly where I am to make it even easier.